The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Friday, September 08, 2006

Hey guys. Sorry for the lack in blogging. My computer has been sickly, and I just got it back yesterday! This week I started back to class, and am still working a ton. Classes are shaping up to be incredibly time consuming. I am taking twice the load I have for the past two years, in hopes of FINALLY graduating in May!! So be praying for me this semester as I learn to balance a few more spinning plates.

Work is going fine. It is busy, and I am still working a ton of shifts. Its almost like I never left. :)

Kris and I are doing great. Between our super busy schedules we manage to find some time nearly every day to at least see each other. A few weeks ago we took a day off together and went to the Maker's Mark Distillery. It was a whole barrell full of fun! (sorry, bad pun...good burbon!) It really was fascinating to see the whole process. We got to dip our own bottles and they gave us chocolate! (No free samples of the actual burbon though - that is reserved strictly for the VIP tours)

Kris and I dipping our very own Maker's bottles!

I am traveling to a new state next week. I am heading to The Land of Chesses (otherwise known as Wisconsin). I am actually pretty excited. Even though the drive will be long, and I forsee having to drive myself most of the way (as the boys, aka Nathan, Ricco and Kris, will probably sleep most of the way), I am excited about crossing another state off my list, and spending a little quality time with some quality chesses!! My buddy Kyle is getting married, and all of my boys are ushers. It should be a fun weekend. Look for pictures to follow soon!

Well, that is the quick update for now. Be checking in both here and my other site for topics that run a little deeper.


  • At 12:49 AM, Blogger The Bean said…

    Sounds like fun. I went to Wisconsin once. To Alpine Valley for a Jimmy Buffet concert with the ever cool and wacky Aunt Nancy!


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