The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My last NYC picture share

<----- Where we went Friday night for my first poety Slam!

<----Margaret, Valerie, EMily and I waiting for Harris to win it all...which he did!!

<-----The Sunday Commissioning Service at Christ Church, complete with bishops and a random Chandler student for good luck

<----Margaret and I (and silly Adam)

<----Me and Emily

<---The great poet himself, Harris, the newly commissioned

<----Church I walked around yesterday, Catherdral of St. John the Divine

<----Very random, but very cool, statue outside the Cathedral, done by artists who had attended the cathedral's school.

<---Half of the outside of the Cathderal (no matter how far back I stood, I couldn't get it all!!)


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