The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Everyone's got one

Adam has a Pro-Polygamy Rally, Valerie has Fritos and Monkey Biscuts, and Shannah, even though she doesn't have a blog, has hippies named Jade (the mom) and Lavender (the dad) giving birth in a field and biting off umbilical cords. (gross) So, here is my most recent fun work story - hope it measures up:

Friday night I was working a large party, a wedding rehersal dinner. (yes, let's please celebrate marriage in the true redneck fashion at Tony Roma's!) I had one kid at my table, well, I call him a kid, he was probably 18 or 19. Every time I came up to him, to drop off a drink, take an order, etc., he would profess his undying love for me.

Kid: "I love you"
Me: "Um, ok."
Kid: "No really, I am in love with you."
Me: "You don't even know my name."
Kid: "It's Liz. Liz, I love you."
Me: "Right. Would you like another Pepsi?"

It was never said in a creepy-stalker kind of way. More of the sad puppy-dog eyed way. Towards the end of the night, I came up to remove his plate.

Kid: "You know I love you."
Me: "That's what I hear."
Kid: "I made this for you."
Me: (recieving the paper airplane he obviously worked so hard on) "Um, thanks."

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Ok Nick - fail me if you will, but just haven't found time to sit down and think out ten songs that I would want to listen to over and over, forever. That is too hard. So I am changing the subject. Instead, there are roughly 15 people who read this blog regularly, so I want YOU to each pick a song for ME! Then, when all the votes are in, I'll condense if necessary and give you the final product. This is more fun! ;)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Home again

Well...I am finally back home! It took me nearly two weeks to get from New York to Kentucky, but it was so worth it to be able to fall back into my own bed.

My trip to SlapOut was wonderful. I have been craving time with the Gates for SO long!

<----Stephanie, Asher Paul and I :)

Our last few visits have been short, one of always on the way to somewhere else. So it was great for my purpose to be spending time with Stephanie. We had a great few days together, with ice cream, good BBQ, good friends (and new friends...HI LAURA!!) and a much needed morning on the river!! Stephanie and I even managed to find time for one of our famous walks on SlapOut's famous walking track!! Good times. Thanks Stephanie and Brian for welcoming me in and for all the great conversation!!!

<-----The river we went down!

After Alabama it was off (incredibly early in the morning) to Atlanta. For those of you who didn't know, Kris' dad was in the ICU - so I went to go be with him and his family. I was there Wednesday through Saturday (which is why I didn't make it through Birmingham and Nashville - sorry to everyone that I missed on I65!!) I am glad to say that the report Kris got today was great - his dad is talking and able to move around, and they are hoping he will be moving into rehabiliation soon. Thanks for all the prayers!!!

Kris had flown into Atlanta, so he rode back with me to Kentucky, and we took a long detour into Knoxville so he could show me where he used to live and work. We ate at this great restaurant called Aubery's where Kris is still a legand (which made for a free meal for us!!) It was fun to get to meet some of his old friends. We ended up not getting back into Lexington until after 1am, and after dropping him off at his house, and unloading my car, it was nearly 3am before I fell into bed.

I start back to work tomorrow and I am really excited about getting back into the swing of things and making a little cash!! I have had a nice two days off to recover, unpack, clean my little house (which was a HORRID WRECK after three boys living in it all summer!!) and play with my sweet pups! School will be starting back in a few weeks, and I am anxious to get back, because this is the beginning of my LAST year!! Yay!! (hopefully!)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Sorry for the posting delay. Wednesday I said my final goodbyes to NYC as I climbed into the fancy car that had been called for my departure. (I'm not talking yellow taxi here, think black town car and a driver with a tie!) If you gotta go, might as well go in style! I flew in to Pensacola, where my dad picked me up.

This weekend family was flying and driving in from Albania, Texas, Vermont, Orlando and Atlanta to celebrate the marriage of my cousin Ben to Kara. We were all there when they were engaged at Christmas, and it was great to come back together for their wedding! So my weekend was full of dressing up, eating and cleaning up.

The wedding was beautiful, and it really made me appreciate what a wonderful family I have. I was sitting in awe at lunch yesterday, in my grandfather's kitchen, where we have gathered so many times before, listening to the intelligent conversation flowing around me. All of the cousins are grown up now; working on master's, opening new companies, buying homes, having babies. I listened as Robert and Mary Grace argued about the importance of Globalization and as my father and MG debated the many sides of democracy. It was far cry from the conversations of school plays and forts in the woods from our childhood. I am just so blessed to have grown up with these cousins who are both family and friend.

I head out tomorrow for SLAPOUT, Alabama. (Tripp made the comment that it is pretty ironic that I am going from New York City, to Slapout. I agree) And I couldn't be more excited to see Stephanie, Brian, and hopefully Nick and Laura!! Then, it is off to Atlanta for a couple days, then FINALLY back in Kentucky on Friday!! The rest of this month includes a little more traveling, to Lake J and then to Memphis. So be praying for safe travels, and watch never know, I might end up on your door step!!! :)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My last NYC picture share

<----- Where we went Friday night for my first poety Slam!

<----Margaret, Valerie, EMily and I waiting for Harris to win it all...which he did!!

<-----The Sunday Commissioning Service at Christ Church, complete with bishops and a random Chandler student for good luck

<----Margaret and I (and silly Adam)

<----Me and Emily

<---The great poet himself, Harris, the newly commissioned

<----Church I walked around yesterday, Catherdral of St. John the Divine

<----Very random, but very cool, statue outside the Cathedral, done by artists who had attended the cathedral's school.

<---Half of the outside of the Cathderal (no matter how far back I stood, I couldn't get it all!!)