The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Coming to a close

As the semseter is quickly drawing to an end (do I hear a shriek of panic for the students?), and as my time at Asbury is coming to a close - I realize that there are other things in my life that are becoming final - not just papers and degrees. Who I am as a person, is about to shift. For nearly 21 years, I have been known mostly as a student. I have attended classes, sometimes only in body; I have listened, or half-listened, to lectures; I have written more papers than my carpel-tunnel-developing fingers care to remember; I have sat in discussion groups, given presentations, asked questions, disagreed with the experts, been proven wrong, been proven right, been proven that I don't know much of anything, defend my theology, revamped my theology, cried from exhuastion, threatened to quit, studied to the wee hours of the morning, and then started a whole new semester. In three weeks, I will walk across a stage with colorful flags, wearing a black robe with added flare from my last black robe experience. On my head will be the typical squared hat with the tassle that I can't remember which side to keep it on when. I will walk across that stage, shake the hand of a man I have only met once, and recieve the precious folder, doning the ATS logo, which is supposed to contain the crowning achievement of all my hard work - yet actually contains a notecard that reads, "Your diploma will be sent to your home in 4-6 weeks...assuming you actually pass your last class." After a prayer and a formal send off from the ATS administration, I will walk outside, blink hard into the blazing sun, and smile for pictures with my family, seek out friends anxious to rid of the hat that is smothering their freshly cut hair, and answer the "so where are you going next?" question 57 1/2 times (the 1/2 will be the person who asks, but gets distracted when they see a professor that they "have been meaning to talk to...I'll be right back!")

So, graduation will come and go. My time on the campus of Asbury will be done. And so will my identity as a student. And what will I have to show for it, other than a tassle and a piece of paper? I am getting ready to embark on a new journey, one that is wholly unfamiliar to me. I don't know what it is like to experience something, and then not go home and compare it to three other authors and then write a 15 page paper about what I just experienced. (complete with footnotes, proper citations and a bibliography) Am I ready for life, no longer as a student, but as a professional? And really, a professional what? Missionary? Traveler? Helper? Christian?

Though I know where my next line of employment is coming from, I don't really know what to expect next. I am not quite sure how I will handle life beyond the classroom. But I am ready to find out....


  • At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I'll just live vicariously through you from now on. :)

  • At 11:03 AM, Blogger M'elle said…

    Enjoy the journey. Living it (in the good and bad moments) in joy is the best you can do. I'm proud of you. I am proud to have had you as a friend!


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