The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

City Friends

Last night the US2s and I went out in search of Sushi and Ice Cream. We found a great sushi place that advertised $22 all you can eat sushi. While that is WAY to much rice and seaweed for this girl, Harris was all about trying to eat them out of fish and roll. I discovered that sushi in NYC is WAY cheaper than anywhere else I have ever eaten. When a California roll in Kentucky cost $6 - it is only $3 in New York. In fact, the most expensive, non-speciality, roll I saw was only $6.50!! Impressive and exciting!

Here Harris is owning up to a bet. We were all pretty disgusted as we watched him take a full shot of Soy Sauce. (notice Christina (L) and Margaret's (R) grimiced expressions. I am pretty sure our waitress thought we were nuts.

After sushi we went in search of ice cream. Instead of going back to Cones (see previous post) we decided to test the city's other ice cream parlors. We made our very round-a-bout way to Mary's Dairy.

Here Tyler is getting friendly with the Miss Mary Dairy herself.

We decided that while Mary's Dairy did have a fun atmosphere and good ice cream, it wasn't the city's best, and didn't even come close to Cones. Having tried two other ice places during my own previous adventures, I think it may be safe to assume that Cones does indeed have New York City's Best Ice Cream.

In other news, I have been discovering all kinds of great music in the city. The man that played at Central Park on Saturday (again, see previous post) - turns out his is the "most famous guy in New York that no one knows." Feel free to check out That Guitar Man. He has made a living playing "The Hill" at Central Park since 1992! I think he might very well classify as the city's best troubadour, with love songs about city such as Lost on Bleeker Street (the street that I life right off of), The Heart of New York City and Singin' in Central Park.

I have also discovered a new favorite female artist, Kirsten Thein. Mary, Valerie, Stephanie: you ladies should definitely take a moment to check her out - I think you will be impressed.

I think that is all the update I have for today, now that I have used the better half of my lunch break! =)


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