The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


This month has been busy with the start of my last semester of classes (wahoo!), filling out job applications, working, traveling to be with family, hosting a baby shower, and changing my wardrobe to match this crazy weather!! Saturday was 11 degrees and we had almost 4 inches of snow! Monday? 60 degrees. Sigh.

This month I also got the awesome opportunity to go see a Cats basketball game - courtside!! It was incredible.

I am incredibly excited to be heading into my last semester, but am also pretty nervous with graduation looming around the corner. What is next? Am I really that prepared? Where am I going to store all of my stuff? I will be sure to keep everyone updated on the job front.

Till then, here are a few pictures to keep your smiling...
<---Carrie's baby shower
(she's the one to my right)
<---Arrghhh - the only thing scarier than that pirate is my lack of makeup!!
<----Go Big Blue!! :)
<------Kris in front of the only 4-headed palm tree in the world
<----My street covered in snow

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yay for the 6th of Feburary!!

Why are we celebrating the 6th of Feburary? Well, I am sure it is someone's birthday, because it seems that everyone's birthday falls in Feb. But I can't think for the life of me who it is, so we are bypassing the birthday greetings to announce:

Patty Griffin's new cd FINALLY arrived today!! And after a few hours, I am already in love. From the first note, I was entranced. This cd is familiar, new and comforting, all at the same time. If you haven't yet, pack up your babies, laptops, and dogs and head to the store, because you are going to WANT this cd!! :)

In other news, Lexington is expecting 2-6 inches of snow today. Its been snowing all week, and when I woke up for my first day of class this morning, it was only 1 degree outside. Yikes!!!

Time to cuddle under my blanket with a school book and Patty!