The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Great Pirate/Ninja Debate

Ok, so I got such great amusement out of the Pirate-Ninja debate Nick, Lane and Mary were having, that I just had to join in myself. I took the question to work, and people were all about it! I haven't seen people that excited about anything since our last GM got fired!! Anyway, I took a quick survey people there, and came up with 6 Pirates, 5 Ninjas, and 2 undecideds. I asked one guy, "Logan, given the choice, would you rather be a Pirate, or a Ninja?" To which is literally almost competely collapsed on the floor, pulled himself up with a groan, and ran out of the room. I stood there with a couple of other people - we were all dumbfounded at his response. He ran back up to me and said very serious-like, "Oh, dude! No. Man! You don't even know what you just asked me!! That is like, oh, that is like the greatest question of my life!! Man! I have been trying to figure that out since I was little boy! You can't expect me to just answer! That is too much pressure! Man! Ahhh!" Wow is about all I can say to that...

Being slightly on the fence myself, I decided to get reasons for people's decisions.

The Benefits of Being a Pirate:
*It is like one big drunken fest
*There is always rum
*There is a sense of community that Ninjas miss out on
*They get a parrot
*They get booty (of both varities)
*They get to live on a boat
*They are always on the water
*Pirates just simply have more fun

The Benefits of Being a Ninja:
*They are more dangerous (which I guess equates with "cool")
*They are "stealthy" (Valerie - you aren't allowed to take off points for a direct quote!)
*They have cool clothes/They get to wear all black
*They are smarter
*The lifestyle is cooler
*They get to drink saki
*They are assasigns not murderes (meaning, they kill for other's benefits, rather than for their own benefit)
*They can kick a Pirate's ass

That all being said, I think I choose to be a Pirate. Growing up on the water, I know how good it is for my soul. And I've always wanted to be tan.....


  • At 10:12 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    For whatever reason my blog wouldn't let me add pictures, which is very sad...but I do want to add two links,
    For pirates - (the site actually talks to you!!)
    And for ninjas -
    (no music, but a very cool site)

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Liz said…

    "No ninjas. Cause that would only piss off the pirates, we should all know better than to piss off a pirate." - Valerie, on being asked if she were going to create a ninja shirt.


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