The Life of a Bartending Seminarian

"I'm learning to surrender; I'm learning to forgive; I'm learning to recieve all the love; All the love You have for me." ~ Isa Couvertier

Monday, August 15, 2005

Unpacking a mess

Ok, so I moved into my little house over two months ago and I STILL have boxes everywhere!!! Someone help me please! I keep them out of the closets in hopes that one day I will get frustrated enough with them being out that I will actually do something about them! But hope is not much of a motivation factor, as we are well into August and still they sit, collecting dust, holding stuff I obviously do not need anymore.

So why do I still have all of the stuff? Move after move, this stuff comes with me. What I posses is the most random, best travelled collection of useless mayhem known to mankind. Ok, that may be a bit extreme, but from Florida to Alabama (and back and forth about 4 times) to three different locations in Kentucky, my boxes go where I go, unopened, keeping things I can't remember why I kept safe from critters and dust in the first place. So my goal today is to unpack, throw away, sell, burn or magically make disappear (you never knew I was so talented) all that I do not need. So wish me luck, this is an adventure I may never return from!!......


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